As human beings, we all go through similar situations/trials in life. As Christians, we have the cure for all our trials. "Struggles make us stronger." People say. But that is absolutely not true. HOW you respond to the struggle determines if you come out of it more mature than when you entered.
Come hear three amazing testimonies from three women who have learned HOW to put God's Word into practice and were victorious! These ladies will share with you practical application of God’s Word.
Overthinking Can Be Deadly - Annette Aranda
Are your thoughts keeping you in bondage?
Holiday Hiccups - Suzanne Brownell
Stressful times can tempt the flesh to come out.
Did I Just Do That? - Corrine Rios HOW we can forgive like God.
This is not just another conference. It’s an EXPERIENCE! Corrine takes participants (men and women) on a SELF-EXAMINATION journey as she shares HOW she overcame the misdeeds of her flesh with God’s Word. Come learn why you are your own greatest enemy and HOW TO overcome being a lover of yourself.
Topics Include: 1) God’s Focus for our Living 2) Forgiveness 3) Biblical Boundaries/Communication
No paper tickets necessary. Name will be on check in list when you arrive.
Walk-ins welcome.